Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Posted by SiReh.com at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Posted by SiReh.com at 7:13 PM 0 comments
Posted by SiReh.com at 7:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Before, I have shared with you about batik and now, I want share about songket. Many people have the notion that songket is only meant for Malay wedding costumes. It is not so. Songket actually can be used for various kinds of fashion according to the taste of the designers. The songket cloth is a little heavier than batik. This is due to the weaving of gold threads that shape the patterns and designs of the basic cloth. Since the traditional method of weaving is done, it takes days for a high quality songket to be completed. That is why a songket costs more.
Most Malays have songket as part of their traditional dress. The songket is only worn on official functions or attending wedding ceremonies. But now songket material is used as decorations on the walls, also made into beautiful handbags and other products.
You can see how songket weaving is done when you visit Kelantan or Terengganu. These two states have become the centre of the songket cottage industry. They produce mostly for the local market.
Posted by SiReh.com at 12:09 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Now I want to share about Malay traditional ‘kuih’ which is ‘onde-onde’ or some people called as ‘buah melaka’. This traditional onde-onde is green in colour with gula melaka filling. I really like onde-onde because it is yummy and easy to make. During ramadhan, I always help my mother make onde-onde and it has been compulsory ‘kuih’ for our family. The key points of good onde-onde are the nice fragrant of the pandan leaves and the thickness aroma of gula melaka. For me, more gula melaka yummier...but must be careful, the gula melaka fluid will dribble from the mouth when we nipped the glutinous ball. Usually, onde-onde is sold during the month of ramadhan but you also can get it at pasar malam at your house. Besides, you can always make it on your own. It is as easy as ABC.
Some “pandan” juice (can be extracted from pounded “pandan” leaves)
100 gram of glutinous rice flour
A pinch of salt
Some pieces of “gula Melaka”
Some grated coconut
1. Sieve the rice flour
2. Add in the fresh “pandan” juice to give both the flavor and the green coloring
3. Add a pinch of salt and mix well into smooth dough
4. Pinch some of the dough and flatten in the palm
5. Put a piece of “gula Melaka” in the center and shape the dough into a ball
6. Continue doing step 5 with the rest of the dough
7. Boil some water in a pot
8. Drop a few dough balls into the boiling water
9. They will be float to the surface once cooked. Use a strainer to lift the cooked balls
10. Place the cooked balls onto a plate of grated coconut mixed with a little salt
11. Roll the green “onde-onde” balls in the coconut and are best served while still hot
Posted by SiReh.com at 11:58 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I’m sure, majority of you know about batik and maybe some of you have one. Batik is very popular in Malaysia years ago until now. Batik costume is worn for official functions as well as for daily wear. Today, in our country, the government workers are compulsory to wear batik on every Thursday in order to support our batik industry.
Nowadays, batik has been refreshing according to the taste of the designers and also the wearer. The Malaysian batik is different from the Indonesian or Thai batik in design and motif. It has its own aesthetic taste which reflects the skills of the batik manufacturers as well as the artists. There are various kinds of batik you can buy like cotton, silk and others.
And very often, many batik fashion shows are held in posh hotels and shopping complexes. You will surprised to see the good quality of our batik products which have attracted the locals and foreigners alike.
The centre of the batik industry is in Kelantan. When visiting Kelantan, don’t forget to visit the batik workshop. Here you can see how batik cloth is produced and processed. You also can buy batik there with the cheapest price. So, do not forget to bring home some batiks for your use.
Posted by SiReh.com at 7:28 AM 0 comments
For your information, ‘Wayang Kulit’ is found in most but not all part of Southeast Asia. There are two forms of Malay shadow play, the Wayang Siam and Wayang Java, which despite their nomenclature (tatanama) are both Malay forms. Of the two, Wayang Siam is the more popular and Wayang Java is now almost extinct. Today, the Malay shadow play survives only in the northern state of Kelantan but in the nineteenth century it was extremely popular and performances were held in almost the state of the peninsula.

The puppeteer (dalang) is a skilled performer, who must act out all the part with each character given a distinct voice and personality. His versatility and manual dexterity as well as his memory have to be of the highest standard. An experienced puppeteer must also be able to assess his audience before the performance and attempt to choose a tale which will satisfy everyone.
The theatre (panggung) in which the performance is staged is a small structure constructed of timber and bamboo built about four feet off the ground. The screen (kelir) is made of white cotton and the shadow is cast on the screen by a lamp suspended from the roof of the theatre.
Then, the puppets are made from cow hide, goat skin and less often buffalo hide, although today the puppets portraying the minor characters are very often made from plastic or celluloid. The outline and features are traced on to the hide from an old figure chosen for the quality of its design and workmanship and then cut out. Once this has been completed the internal details of the puppet are carved out and the colours, which serve to distinguish characters whose silhouettes would otherwise be identical, are painted on.
That’s all about ‘The Shadow Play’ that I can share with you. Hope all of you get some ideas about this traditional Malay drama.
Posted by SiReh.com at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tepuk amai-amai~~
I guess all of you know and won't forget that cutest song right? for sure everyone's mom ever sing the song to us while we are babies and even we also ever sing that song to our little sisters and little brothers. Why i regard it as a traditional song is because nowadays the song almost being forgotten by modern mummies and daddies. They prefer to sing the song of celebrities instead of this old practiced song.
I still remember my mom told me that while i was a baby, when i cried, she will sing the song to me and i will stop crying and started to laugh. However it does not effect my little sister. Even my mom sing that songs for many times, if she is crying, she will still crying. More worse, if me myself sing that song, she cried more loud!
For me, i really value that cutest song. If i heard it or see someone sings the song to their babies, i will feel the feeling of "mummy"..hehe and start to wonder when can i sing that song to my future baby...hehe..lets enjoy "tepuk amai-amai"!!
Posted by SiReh.com at 2:11 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Then i started to wonder, "why now people do not wear the real terompah anymore?" Then me myself try to give the answer, "maybe the original terompah looks like outdated and suitable for older only." If me myself, i think the original terompah is not outdated, but it is a bit heavy so people do not like to wear it. that's why i saw in most of shoes shop, there are terompah but it is not a real terompah, it was being modified to look more fashionable and modern. Some were being made more thicker than the real one, so that it will not heavy.
That is good, try to made a terompah like a modern terompah so that people will still appreciate it and wear it. However, i think we should not forget the real terompah, if we keep on made a modern terompah only, how our next generation can recognize and appreciate the classic and real one? Do they have to go to the muzium to see and know terompah? or come to my house to see and wear it? hehe coz my mom has one. She really appreciate traditional items.
Posted by SiReh.com at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
kebaya nyonya...
so, here i want to share about it so that the generation now and next will not forget it and unrecognized it.
The Nyonya Kebaya is a beautiful, translucent, figure-hugging embroidered blouse worn with a batik sarong by Peranakan ladies.It is this and much more. A nyonya kebaya is a work of art, a labour of love, a heritage, a traditional costume that is timeless. An attire for all occasions, it is elegant, feminine, alluring, sensual, glamorous and fashionable for all ages.
sources from http://www.kebayas.comDo they think this traditional cloth is outdated in this modern time?
However still they are fashion designer who keep on sell it and some try to modify or alter it to be look more fashionable and can attract the interest of modern generation to love it.
Posted by SiReh.com at 10:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
"kuih tepung pelita"
1 + 3tbsp cup rice flour
1 cup sugar
5 cups water
4 cups coconut milk
4 tbs rice flour
A bit of salt
1. In a pot, mix 1 + 3 tbsp cup rice flour, 1 cup sugar, 5 cups water and 2 tsp pandan paste and stir well until smooth. Keep aside.
Hope all you will try it at home! if anyone has tried it or ever eat it, let's share your opinion on this yummy "kuih" by sending your comment here!
Posted by SiReh.com at 6:15 AM 0 comments