Tired of spinning with gasing? Hah, now lets us flying on the sky… let’s play wau! I used to play wau with my brothers when I was kid. I enjoyed it so much even though, my wau not fly too high… Kites, called waus, once played by farmers on leveled ground after post-harvesting season, now attracts people from all walks of life. The wau or giant kite flown in the East Coast have intricate patterns and come in all shapes and sizes. The most popular shape is the Wau Bulan or Moon Kites, so called because it resembles the crescentmoon. There is a major kite competition held annually in Kelantan which attracts participants from the re
gion. Kite fighting is a popular sport and involves opponents attempting to bring down or cut the strings of their rivals’ kites. Glass powder is usedon the strings to provide the “cutting edge” and the rest involves skill in maneuvering the kite and use of wind power. So, let’s play wau!!!

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